Den samlede, tekniske dokumentation for teknisk integration til Digital Post.
Word version af gældende og forrige version er tilgængelig til sammenligning.
Senest opdateret: 25-10-2024, v1.46
- Error codes
- Added new error codes for new memo-lib validation
- Bulk MeMo Sftp service
- Updated to reflect new receipt removal
- Mapping between error codes and receipt status
- Added table for error codes and corresponding receipt status
- Invalid filename characters
- Added the list of invalid characters in filenames, introduced alongside MeMo v. 1.2.
- Added data scrubbing of the filename, when sent through a mailbox.
- Child privileges
- Added how to create a child privilege using identitygroups REST endpoint
- Distribution-validator error codes
- Removed some errors that cannot occur.
- MeMo
- Modified list of invalid character to exclude space (which is now a valid character)
Digital Post - Technical Integration v1.46.pdf
Digital Post - Technical Integration v1.46.docx
Digital Post - Technical Integration v1.45.docx
Events In Event-log.xlsx